What is scripting? ✍️

Manifestation Scripting is a law of attraction technique based on the tenants of positive affirmations, visualisation, faith and meditation. It’s can be a statement that is repeated in the present tense over and over again.

Law of attraction scripting is a powerful way to act as if you already have the things you desire.

It relies on the art of seeing the vision and making it plain. Scripting can be such a fun way to release the inner child and let them run free in the quantum world of reality which has shelves stocked high with infinite possibilities.

It is such a powerful technique for creating your dream life in the mind’s eye and placing those thoughts down on paper with positive emotions. This coupled with the power of words will align your desire with the universal law of attraction.


Think of scripting as a letter to the universe. An easy way of starting your diary entry, that will set the mood.

Would be, to begin with, “Dear Universe” I find that a really useful technique when I’m scripting as it reminds me that I am in communication with source energy or as some would simply say the Universe.

Some people use a dedicated manifestation journal to help channel the vibrational energy of the life desired onto paper.

Others record what is scripted (like an audio file) to playback later, or even listen to as they fall asleep which is a great way to program the subconscious mind.

Pro tip!

I place a piece of quartz crystal onto my manifestation journal to help amplify the energy!

Now when it comes to scripting and the law of attraction, you can also say the words you write out loud, as you think about your desired outcome, until your desire becomes imprinted in your subconscious mind!

It’s important to keep in mind that scripting should be done with sincerity – and most importantly with belief; You must believe what you are saying will come true. Faith is the key to your manifestation success!


Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen!

Ultimately scripting is the art of speaking to the universe through the simplicity of the written word and a piece of paper and therein lies the beauty of having a powerful scripting manifestation method as a means to provide a clear vision of your best life.

This blog post will provide you with some insight and tools that will hopefully set you up for success on your scripting journey.

Useful resources: The Manifestation Journal: A 14 Week Law of Attraction Transformation

The importance of being mindful of your thoughts

When it comes to any law of attraction method everything starts with the quality of your thoughts 🗯

The easiest way to become more sensitive to the nature and frequency of your thoughts is to adopt a regular meditation practice, this will help you become more sensitive to the nature and quality of your thoughts.


So how do you know if your thoughts are good or bad?

It’s easy—bad thoughts feel like resistance, and good ones feel like flow and these feelings are magnified when you meditate frequently.

When you think about manifesting something, what is it that you are actually manifesting? In its most simplistic form, the starting point for any manifestation is a thought.

So it stands to reason that the more mindful of your thoughts you are in general, the better at creating you will be when it comes to your scripting manifestation technique.

The practise of being mindful of your thoughts is not only good for attaining goals but also for general well-being. Being aware of everything going on around us (and within us) allows us to make better choices and live happier lives by avoiding unnecessary stress and conflict with others as well as ourselves.

Manifestation Scripting
Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Unsplash

The art of being in the moment is a powerful tool for living a more awakened and fulfilled life. Learn to identify any negative emotion as it arises, and replace it with positive emotions that make you feel good within the moment.

Is both a powerful and satisfying tool and that my friends can only be done when you have conscious control over the quality and nature of your thoughts.

Thoughts become things!

What you think about is what you will get.

Be careful what thoughts you entertain. Negative thoughts are counterproductive when it comes to manifesting your desires, one of the most important things to remember is that thoughts are things.

What you think about is what you’ll get 🧲, so keep this in mind as you go through the following steps on how to manifest your desires when using your scripting journal:

Have an open mind and focus on the positive outcomes that would come from achieving a specific goal (e.g., having more time for yourself and financial freedom).

Be grateful for all of the good things in your life—even those that might seem small or insignificant at first glance (e.g., having enough money left over after paying bills each month).

Think as if it’s already happened; believe that whatever it is that makes up your goal has already been achieved by picturing yourself doing or being whatever you desire, in detail and feeling grateful for being able to experience these new circumstances in life

This is incredibly important, see it in your mind, and feel how it would feel to have achieved it. Go and arrange a viewing of the home. test drive the car.

I remember when I really wanted to get my dream car. At the time, I went to the dealership not knowing how I would afford it but I walked in there as if I could.

I test drove it, I took a brochure home and I had it opened to the interior page, so I looked at it every day and night before sleep, I even measure my driveway to ensure it would fit 🤷‍♀️.

I thanked the universe for it in my journal and placed it on my vision board, I made sure It was etched within my subconscious mind, and I didn’t worry about how I would get it, and as a result, it manifested,

Habakkuk 2 and the bible said to write the vision and make it plain. 

“Write the vision and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end, it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Behold the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.”

(Habakkuk 2:2-3)

The Bible said to write the vision and make it plain on tablets that he may run that reads them…The vision will not tarry…

The importance of visualisation

Visualisation is the method of seeing your goal clearly in your mind. It’s the process of seeing yourself achieving your goal, and feeling how great it feels to have already achieved it.

The important thing is to have clarity of vision and good feelings whenever you see what is desired.

For example, if you want to manifest a house then imagine what it would look like in detail. Imagine walking through all the rooms and looking at what furniture has been bought for each room.

Imagine smelling the fresh paint on the walls or even stepping outside into a garden that has been designed specifically for you by an expert landscaper.

Imagine living there with people who love and care about you and how happy they are for you! How proud are they?

This is how you excite source energy and get them amazing building blocks of reality “atoms” excited about what they are going to create.

This is how you energise them with the frequency of creation, this is how you step into your God-given omnipotent power.

This my friends is! How you manifest.💫

See it and feel it with such clarity, it’s tangible, go and shop, go and view, take pictures impregnate your subconscious mind with a clear and defined vision. Let the universal law of attraction flow through you, and become both the transmitter and receiver that you naturally are.

And if you haven’t figured this out or if you are in any doubt as to what your natural state is? Then you must assume your natural state as often as you can, and this is achieved through Meditation 🧘‍♂️

Meditation can aid manifestation

Meditation is a process of training your mind to focus and redirect thoughts. It can help you to clarify your thoughts, and aid in relaxation.

Using meditation techniques will help you get a better night’s sleep, whilst also helping you visualise before you drift off. This visualisation process helps manifest ideas that come into fruition by making them more tangible and realistic.

Meditation helps you align to subtle frequencies and become more focused on the present moment, you can practice it at any time, but I find the best time to practice either first thing in the morning or at the end of the day.

Using the right technique and incorporating it into your daily life can have a profoundly beneficial effect on your life. I find it also helps me align with my spirit guides, which results in divine messages and guidance coming through in the form of Angel numbers.


How to practice scripting 🔏

  • Start by writing down all the things you want to achieve.
  • Write down all your goals and the reasons why you want them (You can do this by creating a list, to begin with)
  • Write about anything that is important to you and makes you happy, such as living the life of your dreams, highlighting the most important aspects such as. The perfect partner, better health, the ideal relationship (this could be with family, friends or colleagues), A specific person, a soul mate? This will help create the positive mindset needed for manifestation to work effectively and efficiently in your life!

The scripting technique I use is to write my desires down like a letter of Gratitude thanking the universe for all that I have desired and which has already been received.

An example would be:-

Dear Universe

I am so thankful and grateful now that, I enjoy a healthy and vibrant body, I am grateful for my amazing physique, my fitness and endurance levels. Thank you for the body nourishing food that I consume and my amazing diet.

This allows me to have an amazing relationship with my children as we roll around playing silly games in our amazing home. My daughter would like to thank you for her new bedroom with ensuite and all things a demanding 10 year old could ever want. 😊

Thank you for blessing me with three beautiful, loving and well-mannered kids, and the means to give them anything they want, whilst also keeping them grounded and grateful.

Thank you for blessing me with the, most amazing partner and mother to my children, who is a friend, a support and an incredibly attractive human with an amazing mind.

We live a dream life with an abundance of whatever we desire, and for that, I am truly grateful.

Thank you!

A thank you, letter to the Universe

Albeit short, this is an example of my scripting technique and dialogue, as mentioned above, I script with the most beautiful and grateful energy because what I know for sure is that it works.

I also treat my journal as if it is sacred, the reason being is because it contains my magic 💫 words. I cleanse it with palo santo and place a quartz crystal on it.

One more thing to know is that your journal should be kept a secret between you and the universe.

Nobody needs to know what it has inside!

manifestation scripting

Related article: Crystals for manifesting money – here are 6 of the most powerful

Here are some key points to remember when scripting 🗒

There are keys to manifesting your desires:

  • Be specific.
  • Be grateful.
  • Be consistent.
  • Be imaginative, (the only limitation is your mind)
  • Be a God, (You were made in the image and likeness of God so step into your power)
  • Be a believer (Faith is your superpower)
  • Be private (don’t share your desires with anyone – share them when they enter physicality)

We all have Crist consciousness within and this is evident when we step into our innate power, in all that we do, including positive self-talk, affirmations creativity, Imagination and Faith.

It’s the best way to keep your vibration high enough for the universe to take notice and manifest itself through you!

Remember! When you know what you want, the Universe conspires to get it for you.


The creative energy of the universe flows through you and script manifesting is a powerful tool that you all have at your disposal.

This is powerful work and when coupled with a scripting method that outlines your manifestation list which is the blueprint for your desired future life. You’ll find this a great way to manipulate the building blocks of reality by using this powerful law of attraction practice.

What have you experienced and manifested through stripping, and what scripting tips do you have to share?

Spread the love, because there is more than enough happiness, health and abundance in this universe to go around!

Love, Light and Unity 💕💫

Be At 🌍ne!

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