What is the Subconscious Mind? How Does It Work? What Is it Responsible For?

These are just a few of the many questions asked by people who wish to understand the mysterious and masterful workings of the Subconscious Mind. In this article, we’ll seek to answer these questions in the hope that, by the end, you’ll have a better understanding of the Subconscious Mind.

The Master Key can unlock the door to the Omnipotent Being that lies within.

1. What is the Subconscious Mind?

The Subconscious Mind is one of two areas of the Mind, the other of the two being the Conscious Mind. The Conscious Mind is responsible for all voluntary actions. Such as talking, walking, and eating, all of which initiate through mental suggestion. One of the Conscious Mind’s roles is to filter the Subconscious Mind’s information. Be that true, false, positive or negative. Unlike the Conscious Mind, the Subconscious Mind is not in focal awareness from a psychological standpoint.

Once you begin to discover, The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind and how it works, you will realise the true power your thoughts, words, and actions have over your life and how it will unfold. When you grasp and utilise this knowledge! You will become a Conscious Creator Of Your Reality.

The Subconscious Mind is subjective. It obeys the suggestions from the Conscious Mind without question or judgment. The Subconscious Mind is like a garden with rich and fertile soil. While on the other hand, the Conscious Mind can be likened to the gardener, who is responsible for carefully selecting and sowing the seeds that will bear the fruit 🍎 they wish to enjoy.

Understanding the gift that is the subconscious mind and how it can work for you

2. What is the Subconscious Mind responsible for?

They say repetition is the father of learning, therefore if the repetition of a new skill or behaviour is the cause and the responsibility of the Conscious Mind. But, on the other hand, the Subconscious Mind is, without a doubt, the catalyst that creates the effect.

  • Conscious Mind = Cause
  • Subconscious Mind = Effect

The Subconscious Mind is responsible for all behaviours ingrained so deeply into the finite regions of the Mind; they become involuntary. The Subconscious is responsible for automatic and vital functions such as. The beating of one’s heart 💞, blood circulation, and the flexing and contracting of muscle 💪 to facilitate movement. These Amazing things happen, and it is the God-like power of the Subconscious Mind we have to thank.

The Subconscious never sleeps and is always open to suggestions. Many people find great success from Affirmations, as they can be a valuable tool for creating positive and productive thoughts. The Subconscious is the storehouse for memories and beliefs, both negative, self-limiting or positive and inspiring; it is also responsible for your emotions (Energy In Motion). This is of enormous importance as your Emotions are your internal guidance system, and through your emotions, you can figure things out on a deeper and more spiritual level.

It all comes together and works based on your beliefs and habitual hardwiring, so be mindful of what you feed the Subconscious Mind.

Understanding the gift that is the subconscious mind and how it can work for you

3. How does the Subconscious Mind work?

The Subconscious absorbs information from external and internal sources at all times. It’s none biased and will accept any suggestion you feed it. Many people believe that the Conscious Mind is responsible for most of the work. However, that’s incorrect. If we use the computer analogy, the Conscious Mind could be likened to the keyboard and mouse ⌨️. While the raw computing power is done by the CPU (The Subconscious Mind), without this, the hardware would not be of much use. 

Without the Subconscious working in the background doing all of that raw computing, we would not be able to interact with our bodies and the world 🌍 around us in the way we do. Every action, thought, movement, emotion and reaction we make to stimuli. Is the sum totally off every piece of information the Subconscious has gathered and packaged together neatly throughout our lifetime to create a clever little program called personality 🧠

Here at the Subconscious Hustle, we aim to help you realise and utilise the Omnipotent power of Your Subconscious Mind. But, unfortunately, this isn’t taught in mainstream education.

Many people spend most of their lives on autopilot. Rather than being a Conscious Creator sat firmly at the controls. We’re living in a magical world of Energy, Frequency and Vibration, and we’re Energetically connected to all that is, meaning All Mind is One Mind.

Through repetition and a sound understanding of these concepts, you can raise your Vibration and reach higher planes of consciousness. But, first, learn to become aware! To feast on the oh so succulent dish which is the present moment. A dish best served in the most Beautifully Tranquil of environments in your Mind! When you learn to anchor yourself in the present moment, you’ll naturally become more aware of the subtle Frequencies and Vibrations present—but seldom recognised due to the hustle and bustle of reality.

Come with us on this beautiful Journey into the Subconscious Mind, and let’s unfold the wonders that await us together!

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Thank you for your time.

Love, Light and Unity ❤️

Be At 🌍ne!

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