Indigo Children 10 Powerful Traits

by | Mar 14, 2022 | 6 comments

What are Indigo Children?

Indigo children, who are they?

Are they cosmic beings sent here to earth on a mission to guide humanity to higher planes of consciousness?

Are they kids with outstanding psychic abilities or simply hyper children with medical conditions such as ADHD?

There are many chains of thought on this subject.

Oprah has featured them on her show. Doctors have rejected the idea, and parents worldwide have opted to identify their children as Indigos rather than attaching them to a specific medical condition.

According to a pseudoscientific New Age concept, Indigo Children are believed to possess unique, unusual and sometimes supernatural traits or abilities.

The idea is based on concepts developed in the 1970s by Nancy Ann Tappe

Nancy Ann Tappe coined the term back in the 1970s when she wrote about her theory that each new generation is born with an aura that represents a specific colour on the light spectrum.

Tappe said that while most children had blue auras, some were born with indigo hues, which indicated they came from a different place than the rest of us.

The idea didn’t attract much attention until Tappe’s son, Lee Carroll, co-authored the book about the phenomenon in 1986.- Understanding Your Life Thru Color: Metaphysical Concepts in Color and Aura

Since then, parents have been searching for ways to identify their children as indigo kids and help them fulfil their potential.

The concept of indigo children was further developed by Jan Tober and Lee Carroll with the publication of a series of books in the late 1990s, such as; The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived published in 1999.

A variety of books, conferences and related materials have been created a surrounding belief in the idea of indigo children, their nature and abilities.

Doreen Virtue on Indigo Children

“To me these children are the answers to the prayers we all have for peace,”

Doreen Vitue – Author and former psychotherapist for adolescents

Famous for her books and lectures Doreen refers to the Indigo Child as a leap in human evolution. Doreen who has held talks and written many books on the subject of indigo Children says the following about Indig Kids.

“They’re vigilant about cleaning the earth of social ills and corruption and increasing integrity,” she is also quoted as saying. “Other generations tried, but then they became apathetic. This generation won’t unless we drug them into submission with Ritalin.”

This again highlights the concerns of many parents who believe their children are Indigo’s and as a result will not medicate them under the belief that their, traits and characteristics are a result of ADHD.

Proponents of the concept associate these purported traits with synesthesia, paranormal abilities such as telepathy, iridescent auras, purported difficulty being diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and that they have been sent to Earth to change society for the better.

The concept has enjoyed widespread interest internationally and has attracted criticism from some child development experts who say it lacks a scientific basis and pathologises children’s behaviours.

Critics also say that the concept is too loosely defined and that there is no evidence for claims about purported paranormal abilities such as those attributed to indigo children.

Either way, the topic of Indigo Children makes for an intriguing topic to cover here at Subconscious Hustle!

Some people believe that indigo children are here to heal humanity and help us progress in consciousness.

Some people believe that indigo children are here to heal humanity and help us progress in consciousness. Indigo children have a very strong sense of purpose and it’s evident from an early age.

Their purpose is pretty much the same for them all, but it may be expressed differently or have different emphases at times.

Indigo children are here to heal humanity. They do this on a soul level when they incarnate here on earth and through their individual gifts and talents that they bring into the world.

They are here to help us progress in consciousness, and guide us in the right direction to evolve and transform our society for the betterment of all living things.

An Indigo Child is an extraordinary soul, here to bring about a new way of thinking and being on the planet. They are highly intuitive, sensitive, and often have extraordinary gifts.

There’s a collective, almost spiritual awakening taking place in the world. It seems like the frequency of our planet is increasing, and with this increase is the need for more lightworkers to help raise the vibration of humanity.

One of these lightworkers is an Indigo Child.

Indigo Children

Related Post: What Is a Lightworker? – How To Understand 8 Symptoms.

If you’re new to the concept of indigo children, it may seem like a strange idea at first. But as soon as you start researching the topic, reading about it and talking to people who are familiar with this concept, you’ll realize that there’s something to it.

While it is rare to have traits of indigo children, it is common for these people to impact the world positively. They are often drawn to work with children and animals or in careers like psychology, therapy and social work.

People with strong indigo energies might be perceived as being stubborn, but they are simply very clear about what they want from life and unwilling to be pushed into paths that aren’t true to their soul

Their parents are often their biggest challenge as they may not be able to understand their child or their gifts. So if indeed you’re a parent or teacher of an indigo child, you may be familiar with some of their common traits:

Another huge component of Indigo Children is a lady named Mary Rodwell, she is well known in the field of exopolitics and her work can very easily lead you down the rabbit hole. But Mary is passionate about this field and the theory of Indigo children.

You can find her great work on Youtube, and here is a great lecture for your reference:

The New Humans by Mary Rodwell

So let’s take a closer look at ten common traits of Indigo Children.

10 Common Traits Of An Indigo Child

So how do you know if you are indeed an Indigo? Here are ten common traits that might help you connect the dots.

1. Sensitive to Energy

Indigos are incredibly sensitive to energy; they have an uncanny ability to tap into the energetic frequency of others. Meaning they’re highly intuitive and can pick up on other people’s thoughts & emotions.

Seeing the world in colour – literally! This means they are able to see that each person has colour around them and that colour can tell them about someone’s personality.

They have solid beliefs & opinions and will not allow themselves to be controlled by anyone or anything. This can often create friction between themselves & family members or their peers.

They love nature & animals and have a strong connection with them. They tend to align with the mindset that everything is Energy, Vibration and Frequency and we as humans when in a more natural and cohesive state can manipulate the building blocks of reality.

They align with true inner wisdom through practices such as Meditation.


They know what they want in life and will find it difficult if this is blocked in any way by parents or teachers who are trying to control them.

Many indigos feel different and misunderstood because they don’t fit into society’s rules & expectations of how you should behave & act.

It is easier for an indigo child to learn things without being taught traditionally as they prefer to connect with and trust their inner knowing.

2. They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it).

Indigo children have an air of self-importance and confidence that suggests they are special or important. They do not need to be told this; they know it themselves, which means you can’t convince them otherwise. These children are often seen as natural leaders in both their home life and social settings.

Indigo children tend to lead rather than follow and may appear bossy, controlling or demanding. However, this is rarely the case; instead, indigos simply have strong opinions and a clear sense of right and wrong that they aren’t afraid to share with others.

To put this into perspective Indigo simply understand just how incredible every human is, we are all particles of the divine. Indigos simply identify with this reality and so live life with an air of majesty and confidence.

The type of confidence we should all have!

3. They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).

Indigos do not respond well to “because I said so!” They are very open-minded and they think and reason for themselves. They resist being controlled by limiting rules, especially if they seem arbitrary or inconsistent.

They have a strong sense of integrity and compassion, and they have a lot to offer their communities!

Indigos tend to rebel against authoritarian figures and structures, such as teachers who expect blind obedience from students, or bosses who don’t explain why specific tasks are necessary.

When in positions of authority with younger children, Indigos find themselves trying to explain their reasoning instead of simply insisting that things be done their way.

Indigos, deal with matters from a higher state of consciousness, a state that sees through the veil of ordinary 3d society. They are the new age kids and think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.

This means the will, in most cased, question conventional ways of thinking.

4. They simply will not do certain things; for example, wait in line.

Indigo children have a very clear sense of what makes sense and what does not. They will simply refuse to do something that doesn’t make sense to them—a behaviour that often gets them into trouble.

Their parents might be upset because the Indigo child refuses to wait in line at school or their teacher may be frustrated because they have a hard time following directions.

These children are incredibly impatient, which can lead to problems in social situations when everyone is expected to wait for everyone else or follow ritualistic behaviour like line-ups through the doors at school.

If raising indigo children you must adopt a mindset that is a manifestation of the Art of Allowing. These children are incredibly unique and as a result require a unique and understanding approach.

5. They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don’t require creative thought.

It’s normal for kids of all ages to become frustrated with repetitive tasks. For example, I’m sure you remember the frustration of being asked to write your name on a line repeatedly in preschool. Even though this task was supposed to teach you how to write, it was simply boring!

If your child is complaining about having to do schoolwork or chores, this may be another signal that he or she is an indigo child. Many indigo children have a tendency not to know how to begin when faced with a tedious task. If possible, turn these tasks into games for your children or give them choices whenever possible.

For example, if your child has trouble getting started with his math workbook, perhaps he or she can choose which problem they want to work on first and then let him choose each subsequent problem after that one is completed.

If a chore becomes tedious such as dusting the dining room table every week, create a game out of it where the child must race against the clock and see if the task can be accomplished in five minutes or less!

6. Indigo children often prefer their own company.

Indigo children are incredible, but they often prefer their own company to that of others.

Indigo children are often naturally distrustful of other people. They may have difficulty making friends or trusting other people in general. This is likely due to the fact that most indigos are extremely sensitive and intuitive, and thus easily hurt by other people’s actions.

A result of this intense sensitivity is that many indigos need a regular amount of solitude to recharge their batteries after being around other people for too long. Indigo children can’t be with large crowds for too long, as they may become emotionally drained by too much socialising, even when it’s positive socialising.

The best way to help your indigo child is not to force them into social situations that they don’t want to be in, but rather to allow them time alone when they need it so that they can re-energise themselves in order to continue interacting with the world on a daily basis!

7. Indigo children can be very messy or disorganised in their personal space.

Your indigo child may not like being told what to do, and their room can be a reflection of their feelings. They may seem more disorganised than others around them, so it’s essential to explain to them that we all have different ways of organising our space. It’s easy for us parents to feel upset or frustrated about the mess, but try not to pay too much attention to it.

If your child appears stressed at school or lacks confidence, this can sometimes be reflected in their personal space at home. You may want to intervene by helping them organise the room or tidying up for them, but this can give the wrong message that you don’t have faith in them.

8. Indigo children often display creative gifts and talents.

Indigo children are often gifted in the arts. As a child who possessed the gift of indigo, they might show artistic talent, whether they pursue it or not.  They may also have a creative side that shows through in their personality and style, as they like to express themselves in unique ways.  Indigos may be excellent writers or actors and could even be very talented musically.

Creativity can also show itself in other ways for an indigo child.  They often have good problem-solving skills and maybe inventive in the way they approach challenges.  Because of their creativity, indigos may prefer to improvise instead of following a set path or script.

9. Indigo children have a strong desire for autonomy and freedom.

A strong desire for autonomy and freedom is a common trait of an Indigo child. They often prefer to be self-employed or to work in groups rather than in hierarchical structures.

As children, they tend to reject rules that are not explained or do not make sense. Indigos do carry unique soul level traits. Maybe you see some or all of these traits in yourself or in a child, once you know and undertsand these traits.

You will better understand how these fantstic humans operate in 3rd dimentional reality.

10. Indigo children tend to prefer animals over people as friends and companionship.

Indigo children tend to prefer animals over people as friends and companionship. They feel deep empathy for animals, a feeling of non-judgemental acceptance from the animal kingdom, which often helps them feel calmer and more at ease.

Many Indigo children are also drawn to becoming veterinarians or other careers in which they can help animals.

Animals are very consistent and unlike humans in many ways, the vibrational frequency of pets such as dogs and cats can be very alluring to an indigo.

Additional traits that may indicate an indigo child include being a natural healer, experiencing excessive anxiety about the future, a tendency to gravitate towards things rather than people and potentially having psychic abilities.


  • Being a natural healer can be a sign of an indigo child, as it’s been said that they have an innate ability to heal through touch and other methods. If you’ve had a friend or family member who can heal the sick without medical training, perhaps this person could be an indigo child.
  • Some children seem to be constantly anxious about their future, which can point to them being indigo children. While we all worry about our futures somehow or another, if your child is always concerned about what could happen next in their life and how it will impact them negatively, consider the possibility of your child being an Indigo Child.
  • Indigo Children also tend not to gravitate toward people as much as they do material objects. Many Indigo Children prefer the company of themselves or their things rather than engaging with others socially. This should not necessarily be confused with social anxiety if you feel a greater factor at play here (i.e., the overall change in your child’s behaviour).
  • Someone may have psychic abilities if they are already showing traits of being an Indigo Child (or vice versa). If you know someone who has this gift, try asking them what he/she thinks about certain situations ahead of time (in a playful way) and see if she gets any hunches on what might happen – the chances are good that she’ll get more right than wrong! This can help confirm whether or not they’re genuinely clairvoyant before making any assumptions based solely on intuition alone.”

Recognise the special traits of indigo children in your family or circle of friends so that you can support them best

As an indigo parent, you’ll likely recognise these traits in your child. Together we can help these children have a fulfilling and happy childhood.

  • They are sensitive to their surroundings and easily affected by their environment.
  • They may be more highly strung than other children
  • They dislike repetitive tasks or things that go against their natural inclinations
  • They don’t respond well to criticism and correction
  • They often get bored with daily routines and school assignments
  • Their interests may seem unusual compared with what others around them are interested in
  • They usually have problems concentrating on the tasks that they aren’t interested in, like homework or chores
  • They struggle to sit still
  • These children experience intense emotions, and this sometimes leads to emotional outbursts. This can be difficult for parents who are not expecting it. However, as parents, we need to try our best to understand them to offer the support and guidance they need at home.

Things to consider.

If you feel that you are an Indigo or are raising/supporting one it is essential to know that these people are special and need to be understood so that you can support them.

Nourish them with opportunities for tranquillity, and create a sacred and peaceful place in the home which is free from clutter and disturbances.

Place beautiful plants and crystals in that area, to align with the natural nature spirit of an indigo, place pictures of their favourite places or animals in that space.

Provide them with a meditation cushion or any other suitable alternative.

This will be a beautiful place for them to reflect and deal with the energies that come along with living in third-dimensional reality.



We live in a universe of infinite possibilities. One of those possibilities is the existence of Indigo Children. Energetically and spiritually advanced humans that show traits of what some would call higher consciousness.

Now many people can’t relate to some of the traits outlined above and for that reason would turn their backs on any concept relating to the existence of indigo children.

But there will be some who have had tangible experiences with beings of this type. So I will draw this post to a close with this question for all those none believers.

An atom which is the building block of reality is composed of 99.9999999% empty space. Therefore with that in mind, where does this solid world that we are all so confident exists come from?

Now taking that mind-boggling fact into consideration and the perceived solid world we live in. Is the existence of highly developed children or people that see and interacts with the world around them from a higher state of consciousness due to their understanding of the universal laws of reality. Really that hard to believe in?

And on that bombshell, I’m onto the next one!

Love light and Unity.

Be At 🌍ne!

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