If you are in the dating space and find yourself on relationship blogs and dating websites then I’m pretty sure you’ve come across the term Twin Flame? Many can’t relate to the term and find it to be some wishy-washy concept about love and relationships.

Some also confuse the twin flame meaning for that of a soul mate!

In this post, I hope to provide some clarity on its meaning and we will look at common signs that could indicate that your paths are being magnetically drawn together by the Law Of Attraction.

What is a twin flame? 

Okay so let’s break this down into bite-sized chunks.

A Twin Flame is an embodiment of two people who share an intense connection. A connection so strong, they’re magnetically drawn to one another on a purely energetic level.

In scenarios where they are lucky enough to find one another, they’ll feel whole and complete. This is the uniqueness of a true twin flame match. 

In essence, a Twin Flame is considered a mirror soul – on a higher spiritual plane of reality. It is considered a state whereby a soul has ascended to such a vibrational frequency and plane of reality that it is able to inhabit two different bodies at the same time.

It achieves this by separating itself into two equal parts, these parts then inhabit the physical form giving you the creative essence of the Twin Flame.

Twin Flame

Why are Twin Flames Created

Twin Flames are generally created because of the intense energy some highly developed souls carry.

The high vibration, divine spiritual energy, and intense cosmic love. That is encapsulated within this multi-dimensional being or soul, is so overwhelmingly strong. That it seeks to split itself in half to balance the intensity of the energy and as a result, becomes a Twin Flames

Simply Two Halves Of The Same Soul

Twin Flame vs Soul Mate

When comparing a twin flame vs soul mate. It really is a completely different conversation, because on this third-dimensional plane of reality. An individual could be fortunate enough to connect with many souls mates.

However, when we look at the bond that is formed with a twin flame union, there really is nothing within this plane of physical reality that can compare.

Why because it is the bringing together of souls that were formed together and are mirrored images of each other, this truly is a divine union.

There can be only one Twin Flame!

Because a twin flame in its original state is an individual soul; Which is split and shared by two people.

This union can and will only ever be shared by one other person! It’s the Alchemy Of The Universe.

So herein lies the beauty of the divine connection that can only be achieved as a result of a Twin Flame Union, and that divine connection is achieved when “Two Become One

What are the 6 signs that you may have found your souls most beautiful connection? 

1. Twin Flame A Shared Vision

Due to the synchronistic and energetic, nature of a twin flame union. The connection will always be incredibly deep!

When Twin Flames come together it is highly likely that they will share the same vision, in the most profoundly synchronistic way.

As with anything on the metaphysical plane when we look at the powerful Law of Attraction you must be crystal clear when it comes to your vision.

See The Vision and Make It Plane

This is of great importance in life.

A person with no vision has no definitive direction and is not clear on exactly what they want out of life, If this is the case subtle signs that may be leading you to your twin flame and a possible union could be slightly hazy. 

Twin Flame or not be clear on your aspirations, desires and dreams. If you know not what you want then how will you connect with the wonders that await in the quantum world of possibilities? 

“Imagination is a Preview of Life Coming Attractions”

2. Twin Flame – When Something Feels So Familiar

The Twin Flame experience is an amazing thing to behold and if you are lucky enough to be in vibrationally align with your spiritually magnatised other half. Then you will instantly tap into the powerful feeling and recognition of familarity.

It will feel like dajavu, when you discover the detail and richness of the things you have in common. Couple this with a connection that can be felt in every molecule of your being; Amazing as it sounds! It can be a profoundly powerful and unearving experience.

To the point where your feelings and emotions for that person may scare you. Because you will ask yourself how you have ever lived without this person in your life, and naturally as humans we always worry about the worst case scenario’s.

Twin Flame

Such as break ups and make ups and it is generally that type of emotion that can cause concern for those involved in a twin flame union.

This is magnified by the fact that you’ll feel like you don’t ever want to be separated. Instinctively you’ll recognise these feelings, as you’ll feel a sense of connection, unlike anything ever felt before. 

Which is the natural nature of a Twin Flame Relationship the type of relationship that always comes neatly packages in divine and powerful Twin Flame Love.

3. Twin Flame Shared Experiences 

Distance means nothing on the spiritual and quantum plan of reality. When you experience a Twin Flame union. you will be blown away by the number of similar experiences you may share.

Such as spiritual lessons learned due to human interactions and difficult situations with work colleagues. Maybe you’ll have experienced some similar lessons due to the passing of a loved one. Or romantic lesson similarities.

But these experiences will feel so similar it will feel as if you have lived them in a dream or through each others eyes.

This is the Omnipotent Power of the Universe in action and you and your Twin Flame spiritual counterpart have a front row seat.

Irrespective of where you have both living in the world and how great the distance has been between you. In the language of the quantum.

Space and time is an illusion, and all, is connected by a unified field. That connection is extremely strong when we consider the twin flame connection.

All of these factors and shared experiences create the universal gel, that solidifies an already intensely familiar bond. 

4. Twin Flame and The Power Of Magnatism

Twin flame Magnetism is the magnetic pull that draws you and your twin flame together. Twin Flame Magnetism is a powerful force that draws souls together. It is powered by The Law Of Attraction.

The Law Of Attraction states that, like attracts like.

In this case, it is soul attracting soul.

A Twin Flame connection is defined by true acknowledgment of heart and soul. There are no illusions about your Twin Flame, they are exactly as they appear to be.

In every moment, their true essence shines through to you at all times.

They project their heart and soul directly into yours, with no hiding or deception of any kind. They mirror back to you, your own inner light and love for yourself in a way that makes you feel as though you are walking in an enchanted forest, or basking upon a beautiful beach at dawn listening to the sound of the ocean waves softly lapping at the shoreline.

You feel incredible bliss when you are connecting with your Twin Flame. This is the natural order and frequency of a Twin Flame relationship.

But also as mention before it is equally the reason why this type of union does come with a caveat.

It can be extremely intense for many humans who struggle dealing with this level of spiritual energy.

5. Twin Flame And Angel Number 1111 Symbolism and Synchronicity

If you are a regular to this blog then you will know we are massive on Angel Numbers. The reason for the attraction to this topic is simply because, I’ve had first hand experience with Angel Numbers and the symbolic and synchronistic meaning behind them.


This brings us to the powerful and divine Angel Number 1111, This as with all angel number can mean many thing to many people. But if you discipher the message based on your own vibrational frequency and what is presently happening in your reality.

You will find a divine message that carries with it angelic guidance, One way to interpret the meaning of Angel Number 1111 is that its embodiment of the Twin Flame energy, frequency and vibration.

If you are in vibrational alignment with the energy of your twin flame you will be guided to them through the symbolic resonance of Angel Number 1111.

If you regularly see this number it could be a sign that your paths may be about to cross, so pay attention to all the signs covered within this post. As they will prove to be invaluable if indeed a union is due within your particular life experience! 

6. Twin Flame Each One, Teach One.

This is where it becomes very unique from the stand point of the shared human experiences. Because your souls are a mirror. From the stand point of a soul contracts and what we as spiritual beings come here to both learn and remember.

Related Article: What is Your Soul Contract?

Your twin flame will be best placed to teach you most of those lessons and this is another factor that can make a twin flame relationship very challenging. If indeed you are not spiritually developed enough to understand what is happening when and if that lessons appears.

For those who understand the Alchemy of The Universe, as a result of their spiritual development. They will see the growth and wisdom opportunities in every situation.

This is higher spiritual science.

To be able to see through the challenges that would in most cases ruine some people and relationships. Those who see with the ancient eyes open, the eyes that kick into play when people are firmly on the path to Christ Consciousness.

Will have nothing but gratitude for everyone that helps them on their path to spiritual mastery. The beauty of this, is as follows;

If you have a Twin Flame union, that resides in the energy of true universal, understanding, patience, clear thinking and an unimpeded connection to the divine.

That is when you have a match made in heaven.

Because your Twin Flame could be your greatest teacher. From the standpoint of the soul connection they understand exactly what you need, on a deeper spiritual level, which will help you rise to Higher States Of Consciousness.

The development of the soul can be both pleasure, pain and everything in between but the journey itself could only ever come one in a lifetime. 

While it has the potential to be extremely hard and challenging, it is your path, and your soul’s calling. So for those who are blessed enough to experience this unique exchange of energy. Do so with a awakened mind and enjoy the sweet flavour of your human experience!.

This my friend, is Higher Spiritual Science!

Related Article: 5 Things To Consider First Before Entering Into A Loving Relationship

7. Twin Flame – Habitual Similarities

The language of the soul is powerful and intrinsic. On a deeper level, you share the language of the soul, which is mirrored in the outer world through your habits, hobbies, and interests, right down to your nutritional dietary preferences. 

The twin flame union is a powerful force, and the bond you share will act as a magnectic force, drawing every particle of your beings together. You’ll spend a lot of time stating things like “I do that, I enjoy that.” That, in the end, words will be become unnecessary; all that will be required is for you to offer each other a familiar glance.  

Finding your Twin Flame is extremely rare, but having incredibly profound and spiritual relationships is not. Everything is made up of energy, and the Law of Attraction is one of the universe’s most powerful and fundamental laws.

To begin, you must be crystal clear about what you want in a prospective companion. How would you know if and when you discover then if you don’t know what you want? 

Don’t be satisfied with mediocrity. Do not settle for somebody who does not ignite your soul since you are an eternally powerful entity so don’t settle for second best. 

Keep in mind that your partnership should always be considered as a divine unity.
You are a magnificent being created to perfection, and you should be treated as such at all times.

A Twin Flame could only ever present itself once in a lifetime but that doesn’t mean perfection isn’t out there waiting for you. 

This I know for sure

Because The Unverse Has Your Back!

Love Light and Unity.

Be At 🌍ne!

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